
21 stories (Page 2)
Where can you afford to live?

Where can you afford to live?

Country/area: Finland Organisation: Helsingin Sanomat Organisation size: Big Publication date: 28/05/2021 Credit: Oona Laine, Päivi Ala-Risku, Boris

Meet Your Mayor

Meet Your Mayor

Country/area: United States Organisation: THE CITY Organisation size: Small Publication date: 21/03/2021 Credit: Ann Choi, Will Welch,

The formula of intoxication

The formula of intoxication

Country/area: Finland Organisation: Helsingin Sanomat Organisation size: Big Publication date: 02/05/2021 Credit: Juho Jokinen, Kimmo Taskinen, Minna-Liisa

Form your own government

Form your own government

Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Finland Organisation: Svenska Yle, Yle Organisation size: Small Publication date: 17/

The Dundee drug death crisis

Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United Kingdom Organisation: The Courier Organisation size: Small Publication date:

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