Illinois Public Pension Database
Category: Best news application Country/area: United States Organisation: Better Government Association, DataMade Organisation size: Small Publication date: 18/11/
Category: Best news application Country/area: United States Organisation: Better Government Association, DataMade Organisation size: Small Publication date: 18/11/
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: Northeastern University School of Journalism Organisation size:
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: KXAN Organisation size: Big Publication date: 22/
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: The Associated Press Organisation size: Big Publication
2020 Shortlist Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: The Marshall Project, published in
Country/area: United States Organisation: The Pudding Organisation size: Small Publication date: 1 Jun 2020 Credit: Jan Diehm , Sara Stoudt
Country/area: United States Organisation: The Markup Organisation size: Small Publication date: 10 Nov 2020 Credit: Maddy Varner, Sam Morris,
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: The Pudding, The Marshall Project, The Chicago