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Country/area: Taiwan Organisation: READr Organisation size: Small Publication date: 27/06/2021 Credit: Syu Siang -Yun, Wu Man-Ru Biography:
Country/area: Taiwan Organisation: READr Organisation size: Small Publication date: 27/06/2021 Credit: Syu Siang -Yun, Wu Man-Ru Biography:
Country/area: United Kingdom Organisation: Nightingale – The Data Visualisation Society Organisation size: Big Publication date: 03/03/2021 Credit: Chesca
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Country/area: Jordan Organisation: جريدة ارأي Organisation size: Big Publication date: 8 Nov 2020 Credit: الصحفية غدير السعدي Project description:
Country/area: Egypt Organisation: ARIJ Network, Infotimes Organisation size: Small Publication date: 23 Dec 2020 Credit: Hager Hisham Project description:
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