How many high school stars make it in the NBA?
Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: The Pudding Organisation size: Small Publication date: 27/
Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: The Pudding Organisation size: Small Publication date: 27/
Category: Innovation (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: The Pudding Organisation size: Small Publication date: 28/03/
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Kenya Organisation: ROYAL MEDIA SERVICES Organisation size: Big Publication date:
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Canada Organisation: http://www.concordia.ca/artsci/journalism/research/investigative-journalism/
Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Austria Organisation: Der Standard Organisation size: Big Publication date: 17/07/
Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Russia Organisation: Agenda.media https://www.agenda.media/ Organisation size: Small
Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Netherlands Organisation: NOS Organisation size: Big Publication date: 7 Dec 2019
Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Kenya Organisation: BBC News (Africa), BBC News (World), BBC Amharic, BBC