
328 stories (Page 26)
The Invisible Crime

The Invisible Crime

2020 Shortlist Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Australia Organisation: The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane

Drowning in plastic

Drowning in plastic

2020 Shortlist Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Singapore Organisation: Reuters Organisation size: Big Publication date: 9

Your Climate Future

Your Climate Future

Country/area: Norway Organisation: NRK Organisation size: Big Publication date: 28 Nov 2020 Credit: Ragnar Rognstad, Mads Nyborg Støstad, Susanne



Country/area: Brazil Organisation: CNN BRASIL Organisation size: Big Publication date: 17 Oct 2020 Credit: José Brito, Allan Santos, Fernanda

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