Innovation’ Nation
Innovation’ Nation Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: Nature Biotechnology Organisation size: Small
Innovation’ Nation Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: Nature Biotechnology Organisation size: Small
Category: Open data Country/area: Brazil Organisation: G1 Organisation size: Big Publication date: 5 Nov 2019 Credit: Gabriela Caesar, Antonio
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: Personal website Organisation size: Small Publication date:
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Brazil Organisation: Jornal O Globo, Revista Época Organisation size: Big
Category: Best news application Country/area: Brazil Organisation: Sistema Verdes Mares Organisation size: Big Publication date: 15/12/2019 Credit:
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United States Organisation: KXAN Organisation size: Big Publication date: 22/
Here’s what we found in the Collection #1-5 password leaks Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/