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Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Nigeria Organisation: Vanguard Newspaper Organisation size: Big Publication date: 30/
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Nigeria Organisation: Vanguard Newspaper Organisation size: Big Publication date: 30/
Category: Open data Country/area: United States Organisation: The Intercept Organisation size: Big Publication date: 12 Mar 2019 Credit: Liliana
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United Kingdom Organisation: Tortoise Intelligence Organisation size: Small Publication date:
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United Kingdom Organisation: Tortoise Intelligence Organisation size: Small Publication date:
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United Kingdom Organisation: Tortoise Organisation size: Small Publication date: 27/
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: United Kingdom Organisation: Tortoise Organisation size: Small Publication date: 12
Category: Innovation (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Spain Organisation: RTVE.es Organisation size: Small Publication date: 19/06/2019
la diaria datos – open/collaborative exit polls Category: Innovation (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Uruguay Organisation: la diaria Organisation